The Condair GS offers steam humidification with low operating costs. The economy of using gas makes this humidifier around 60% cheaper to power than an equivalent electric steam humidifier.
This gas-fired humidifier incorporates ultra efficient condensing technology. Heat is recovered from the exhaust flue gases and used to pre-heat the incoming water supply. This saves energy, as well as improving humidity control.
As the exhaust gases are cooler, a plastic rather than stainless steel flue can be used, simplifying installation and reducing the cost.
Models range from 23kg/h to 272kg/h with the 23 and 45kg/h units available as wall-mounted systems. This makes them ideal for replacing existing wall-mounted electric steam humidifiers.
A lip-free design on the water tank makes removing scale easy and a curved design on the stainless steel heat exchangers dislodges scale during normal operation.
The system incorporates the latest touch screen control technology and can connect to Modbus and BACnet IP/MSTP (slave) as standard.
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